Researcher of the department
Mykhailyuk Olena Stanislavivna
Junior researcher of the department
Nalyvaychuk Olena Yuriyivna and others
Teachers of the department take part in research work:
- Prof., Doctor of Technical Sciences-Tarasenko VP
- Prof., Doctor of Technical Sciences-Romankevich OM
- Prof., Doctor of Technical Sciences-Tereykovsky IA
- Prof., Doctor of Technical Sciences-Yatsenko VO
- Assoc. Prof., Ph.D. – Teslenko OK
- Assoc. Prof., Ph.D. – Romankevich VO
- Assoc. Prof., Ph.D. – Orlova MM
- Assoc. Prof., Ph.D. – Zorin YM
- Assoc. Prof., Ph.D. – Marchenko OI
- Assoc. Prof., Ph.D. – Zamyatin DS
- Assoc. Prof., Ph.D. – Petrashenko AV
- Assoc., Ph.D. – Klyatchenko YM
- and others.