Postgraduate education

For more than 10 years, the Department has been carrying out a great deal of work in organizing research for rejecting other products of education within the framework of the initial-methodical complex “Institute for Diploma Education”. In an hour, 100 listeners from 9 primary groups have completed the session.

Postgraduate education without the revision of the file on a contract basis Students for 3.5 years will receive a bachelor’s degree for direct training 123 “Computer Engineering” .

The initial program includes all disciplines, such as the training of students of the day, as well as the courses of robots, training and education in advance of 3 sessions of skin therapy.

For the passage of the installation, winter and summer sessions (apparently spring, very often, the worm of the month), it will take 40 calendar days to reach the end of the week. Students will receive official documents – wiklicis, which are necessary for arriving at the session.

The payment for the start-up can be both physical and legal.

More information about umovi joining, terms and payment can be processed over the phone to the institute for diploma education